2018 // a year in review

  J A N U A R Y   

-  welcomed the new year with a lovely case of hives. i had to continue my dairy-free diet for awhile, but i'm good now.
-  i started getting jackson on a nighttime sleeping schedule, which freed me up to start having actual me time.
-  jackson turned seven months old! has said his first word - DADA. [of course he would. ha!]

BLOG POSTS:  Q1 word: balance // currently | january 2018 / a happy list /  when God shows up in a target bathroom / notes from the weekend  //  vol 1 + vol 2 + vol 3 + vol 4 / january month in review

  F E B R U A R Y  

-  jared got a new position at work as an inspector.
-  spent most evenings playing with jackson + watching the winter olympics.
-  jackson turned eight months old!

BLOG POSTS:  -  favorite podcasts  //  currently  //  notes from the weekend  //  five  |  six  |  seven  |  eight

  M A R C H  

-  celebrated three years of marriage!
-  spring made its grand entrance, and all the people said amen.
-  jackson turned nine months old!

BLOG POSTS:  weekend notes:  9  |  10  |  11  |  12  //  three years  //  currently: march  //  a happy list  //  four things

  A P R I L  

-  after praying for over a year, jared was transferred back to first shift this month!
-  we moved in with my sister-in-law + her family.
-  jackson turned ten months old!

BLOG POSTS:  a month in review  //  we are insane, part deux  //  currently  //  weekend notes: 13 + 14

  M A Y  

-  jackson took his first steps this month.
-  we still lived with my SIL + her family.
-  jackson turned eleven months old!

BLOG POSTS:  joyful magic  //  currently

  J U N E  

-  started the renovation on our home. the day before, we found out i was pregnant.
-  khloe kardashian tweeted me. no big deal. :)
-  we celebrated jackson's first year!

BLOG POSTS:   life lately  //  jackson timothy, year one  //  june twenty-eighteen  //  jackson's first birthday

  J U L Y  

-  we lost our baby in my womb. it was/is hard to understand. but i'm learning that i don't need to. i just need Jesus.
-  we celebrated the fourth of july with a camping trip to el dorado + fireworks with family.
-  the house was coming along, and i never, ever knew how stressful choosing paint colors would be.
-  we visited the new library, and it was so beautiful. i kinda want to live there.

BLOG POSTS:  grief  //  the weekly  //  july 2018

  A U G U S T  

-  the podcast mentioned me on the podcast, and it made my year!
-  i celebrated my 32nd birthday.

BLOG POSTS:  little reminders  //  seven random facts about me  //  the weekly, august 5th, 12th, 19th, + 26th  //  choices + transitions

  S E P T E M B E R  

-  i received my first summons for jury duty, but i never had to serve.
-  i purchased my first cookbook, and it started a fun, new hobby of loving to cook.
-  bought my set of oils! i still love them, even if i don't share about them a lot.

BLOG POSTS:  the weekly, september 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th  //  raising the white flag  //  currently

  O C T O B E R  

-  i survived the tax deadline. little did i know it would be my last!
-  we took jackson to the pumpkin patch. he had a blast.
-  we ventured down to oklahoma for short trip to see my family. jackson loves running around there!
-  i started my new job at MCU!

BLOG POSTS:  friday links  //  the weekly: october 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th  //  He goes before me  //  pregnancy loss

  N O V E M B E R  

-  jackson got his first hair cut.
-  ate at my first food truck.
-  we celebrated thanksgiving with family + food.

  D E C E M B E R  

-  drove around + looked at christmas lights while drinking a delicious latte with the fam-bam.
-  I GOT TO PET A PENGUIN. still can't believe it.
-  celebrated christmas with family + it was one of my favorites to date.

BLOG POSTS:  one teaspoon, not one cup


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