the weekly: august 6th - august 12th.

  S N A P S H O T S  
-  jackson loves to read. and by "read" - i mean he likes to flip through every page really fast.
-  shopping on saturday morning for house supplies.
-  my coffee mug matched my socks.
-  we moved some furniture into our house!!!!! [not sorry for those excessive exclamation points]

  D A I L I E S  
-  MONDAY:  jackson loves to go shopping with mama. he waves at everyone and says hhiiii.
-  TUESDAY:  finally getting caught up at work. a lot of stress was lifted when i started reminding myself of truths.
-  WEDNESDAY:  i started listening to my first audiobook, big little lies. it's free with my state library e-card!
-  THURSDAY:  jackson + i played all evening while daddy worked on the house.
-  FRIDAY:  spent the evening painting + listening to an audiobook.
-  SATURDAY:  we worked on the house most of the day. it was a really good day.
-  SUNDAY: church + house shopping. we bought a washer + dryer! i love doing laundry. [i know, i know.]

  P R E V I O U S L Y  on  W I L D B L O O M  
+  i remember writing this post last summer while jared fixed a broken toilet at 11pm.
+  five year later and half of these have changed.
+  LOL to when i used to post my monthly goals on the blog.
+  i still love my city!


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