- saturday mornings are my favorite.
- while unpacking, i found my grandma gracie's bible.
- salted cream cold foam cold brew. it's legit, y'all.
- i might be in love with our new appliances.
M O M E N T S + H A P P E N I N G S
- jared finished up the trim work, and i am alllllmost finished unpacking the last few boxes!
- i made dinner while jackson played in the next room. these little moments are so delightful.
- i worked late one night and didn't get home until 8:30. jackson greeted me with a huge smile, and i melted.
- finished glass sword on audiobook. i'm just not very into this series like i thought i'd be.
- we had zero plans on friday night, and it was GLORIOUS.
- my family came up on saturday. we celebrated my birthday early with shopping + dinner at rib crib.
L E S S O N S + R E A L I Z A T I O N S
- sometimes i need to lay aside my pride (okay, all the time) and get the job done. i have been stubborn about some things at work, and it's benefiting no one- myself included.
- i tried new shampoo + conditioner recently, but switched back to my favorites. i have never loved a shampoo scent more! [affiliate link]
- personality tests are a crutch for fostering poor behavior.
- make sure to pick up any rogue toys because jared may trip over one as he's leaving for work at 4:30 in the morning, causing oneself to run through the house whisper-yelling BABE, BABE. what did i think i was going to accomplish by calling an intruder 'babe'?
- i was just about to give up on these weekly posts when i realized that i have come to loathe the monthly recaps. i always forget to update the post weekly so that i'm not sitting with a blank page on the last day of the month- when it dawned on me: why not just write a weekly recap? having my new agendio planner really helps because i use it as a planner/journal/memory keeper/catch-all.
- i reflected on the year jared worked second shift.
P R E V I O U S L Y on W I L D B L O O M
+ 2017 - photos from my maternity leave [i remember writing this post at work because i was trying to distract myself.]
+ 2016 - coffee date [other coffee dates on the blog.]
+ 2014 - exploring freedom [still the best chai ever!] + your suffering is over [one of WILDBLOOM's most popular posts!]
+ 2013 - iphoneography [dang, i miss this series on the blog.]