the weekly: august 27th - september 2nd.

  S N A P S H O T S  

-  banana birthday cupcake.  
-  saturday morning planning.
-  jackson loves his new bedroom.
-  started reading a new book.

   M O M E N T S  +  H A P P E N I N G S    

-  i was organizing our bedroom while jared was watching jackson in the living room. or so i thought. i walked into the bathroom to find jackson covered in water. IN TOILET WATER.

-  i caught a lovely summer cold mid-week. dayquil has been my best friend.

-  i finished reading theeeeee cutest book - since you've been gone.

-  celebrated thirty-two with banana cupcakes, date night, + lots of love from my people.

-  had a game night with our neighbors/family.

   L E S S O N S   +  R E A L I Z A T I O N S   

-  part one: our son thinks playing in toilet water is a good time. part two: make sure the bathroom door is always closed.

-  banana cupcakes are so delightful + i have the best co-worker who surprised me with my favorite dessert!

-  it's unofficially officially fall in my opinion.

  P R E V I O U S L Y  on  W I L D B L O O M  

+  2017:  august: a month in review.
+  2016:  farewell to my twenties.  blogtember: day one.  blogtember: day two.  august 2016.
+  2014:  on setting goals.  september goals.  blogtember: day one.  blogtember: day two.  august 2014.
+  2013:  twenty-seven.  twenty-seventh birthday celebration.  don't quote me on that.  a happy list.


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