currently // september 2018.

creating:  goals for october with my powersheets
cooking:  a lot lately. i'm not making extravagant meals, but i'm enjoying trying new things. i recently baked scones!
drinking:  lots of water + coffee. always coffee.
snacking:  trail mix. sweet potato chips. coconut milk caramel bites.
reading:   i'd rather be reading - anne bogel  +  educated - tara westover.     
listening:  struggle well project podcast  +  lauren daigle's new album because it's so dang good. 
watching:  the blacklist. this is us. fall tv is here!
wishing:  to quit my job + work from home. maybe open a small photography business + have another side gig.    
anticipating:  the weekend. this was a loooooong week.      
enjoying:  our home. it's just so wonderful.      
wondering:  if i should start selling oils. who even am i, you guys???
loving:  the cool, fall weather.  
hoping:  for the best. i'm taking steps for our future. they might not pan out, but that's okay.   
marveling:  at what the Lord has been doing in my life the past two weeks.    
needing:  a vacation. i don't necessarily need to go anywhere. just a week away from work will do. 
learning:  "hold plans with open hands instead of closed fists" emily p. freeman.
smelling:  stress away + lavender. [if you're curious about oils, follow along here.]
wearing:  these new shoes i got from target! they're so dang cute.
bookmarking:  blogging ideas.  
giggling:  at my crazy baby. sometimes he dances so hard that he falls down, and it's the best.   
feeling:  all the feels. happy. excited. nervous. anxious. but i think it's all positive, if that makes sense.

making me happy:  slow, rainy saturday mornings. hugs from jackson. coffee [always]. new dinosaur socks. fun conversation with another mom at target. maple donuts. writing + worship music. cozied up on the couch with a good book. a rainy week with perfect fall weather.


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