this is where my obsession with podcasts began. i started listening to jamie + knox last fall, and i have been binging all the past episodes ever since. i love them so much that i give the my monies each month. they satisfy my odd fascination with all things pop culture.

to give you context on my celebrity intrigue, i have to confess a deep, dark secret from my past: when i was in my early 20s, i had a subscription to almost every single weekly gossip magazine. [this was the golden era of b.spears shaving her head]. from the classy [people magazine] to the downright trashy [basically all the others] - i would get them in the mail every thursday and devour all the antics + craziness that was only half true. i'm not particularly proud of this, but it is what it is.

favorite episodes:  misunderstood songs and misheard lyrics  |  the nos of social media  |  listener workplace confessions  |  other starter episodes listed here  


i really enjoy tsh's podcast. she has four rotating co-hosts [erin + kendra are my favorites!]. she covers topics ranging from travel to home and other topics like world events and such. tsh also just started another podcast called women's work. it's such a delight! binge them all right this instant.

favorite episodesan entire year off the internet  |  cleaning  |  hygge  |  gilmore girls  |  reading for fun


a lazy genius is a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don't. kendra is so lovely, y'all. i am always left feeling inspired after i listen to her podcast. she gives the best tips on topics ranging from home to kids to organizing and everything in between. and her tips are actually practical + often unique. this episode was so timely that it left me sobbing at my desk at work. i was having a rough day, and it was like a balm to my tender mama heart.

favorite episodesfictional lazy geniuses  |  the lazy genius makes a smoothie  |  the lazy genius shops at aldi  


i just started listening to this podcast a couple weeks ago, but it instantly became a favorite! i mean, it's about books, y'all. what's not to love?

favorite episodes (so far):  105  |  113  |  117  |  118


+  the dirty john podcast. [i've written about this here.]

the next right thing - emily p. freeman.

coffee + crumbs.

that sounds fun - annie f. downs.

what are your favorite podcasts? leave your suggestions in the comments.


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