twenty-thirteen: a year in review.


favorite posts: you get what you put in  //  exodus 14:14  //  You

- i had a moment in the cookie aisle when i discovered mega stuf oreos.
- "there is no story too messy for God; no mistage too big." -she reads truth.
- read this book, which is now in my top ten. it really opened my eyes. (before you roll your eyes at the title, don't.)

january was the beginning of tax season. i always dread it, but this year, i made the choice to find joy in my circumstances. winter has never been at the top of my awesome list, but a friend reminded me that there is still beauty to be found in that season. i grew a lot during the winter months and have a new appreciation for bare trees and winter nature.


- bought my first instax. (and then two more!)
- played in pretty snow.
- the daffodils bloomed and it was glorious.

february was similar to january. for most people, february means love or cupid or roses. for me: girl scout cookies. spring made a premature entrance, and i can't describe what its presence does to me. it's divine and spiritual and reminds me of how creative our Heavenly Father is. i really started finding my blogging voice during that month. of course it's also the month of love. not gonna lie, i despised v-day for a long time. in an attempt to see it in a different light, i soon learned that valentine's day is not just about love for a significant other, but love for everyone. i had a fun sweethearts party with great friends and am looking forward to celebrating the day of love next year!


favorite posts: came the spring  // spring delights  //  bloom where you are planted  //  tis so sweet   

- rode on a motorcycle for the first time.
- started reading the harry potter series.
- tried frozen yogurt for the first time.

march was one of my favorite months. all for one reason: spring flowers. i love all the seasons of nature, but spring captures my soul. i am reminded that God gifted me with a camera instead of a pen to tell my story. i ventured out and explored after the cold winter months. nature feels the warmth of spring by revealing blooms of all varieties and colors and showing the magnificent handwork of the greatest Artist. the way nature transitions to each season is one of God's marvelous works. march also brought easter this year. it is a day of humble reflection of Jesus' sacrifice for me and also a joyous celebration because He conquered the grave.


favorite posts:  tulips & prayers  //  they call her love  //  in every detail 

- completed the FRIENDS series. when rachel said, "i got off the plane", cue the waterworks.
- the flowers i planted bloomed! flowers are my love language, so you can imagine my excitement. (and the number of pictures)
- i was featured on the postal pix blog.

april was a busy and fun month. tax season ended, which is always a momentous occasion. nature welcomed april with more spring flowers. mama and i took our annual shopping trip to OKC. i started playing around with typography. i learned that God cares about the tiniest of details and to never, ever take a midol on an empty stomach.


favorite posts:  home  //  happy happenings  //  instagrams & polaroids 

- went thrifting for the first time.  
- watched the drag races with my brother. 
- mourned for my home state after the devastating tornado outbreaks.

may was also a busy month. lots of shopping days with mama. warmer weather means more time outdoors reading books on the deck and soaking in some rays. unfortunately, spring in oklahoma means tornadoes. my family and i were in the path of one tornado, but then it shifted north. many people lost their lives that month. but we oklahomans are strong. we come together and help our neighbors and those we don't even know. oklahoma is the tear in your eye, the love in your heart, and the shirt off your back. it isn't just a place; it's home.


favorite posts:  summer lovin'  //  in the hurricane  //  life via iphone 

- went as a youth leader to falls creek.
- "under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors."
- VBS!

june was a tough month. i spent a week at falls creek as a sponsor, which was fun. the worship band and speaker were awesome. i grew closer with a few girls. i had certain expectations of what that week would be like, but God used that experience to open my eyes. the middle of june was the hardest week of the entire year. i don't want to go into details, but in one of the lowest and most trying times of my life, God was still there. He was right there in the eye of the hurricane, protecting and holding me. june ended great, with VBS at church and my vscogrid going live.


- i made the decision to start fresh with a new blog. i spent the later half of july writing new content.
- my family & i celebrated mama's birthday with great friends from church. my brother & daddy put on the best fireworks show!
- i came up with a new blog series in which i explore God's creation with nothing but a camera and a craving for adventure.

july was awesome! my mama's birthday is on the fourth, so we celebrate freedom and a birthday. we invited a lot of friends from church and had a fantastic night of fun, fireworks, food, and friends. after going to falls creek the previous month, God put on my heart to start a youth group. it all fell into place and we started IGNITE youth group. it has grown so much in the last six months and all the glory goes to God.


- celebrated my twenty-seventh birthday with my family, cheering for the sooners in norman.
- started this new blog!
- i got stung by a scorpion.

august is my brother and i's birthday month, so of course it was awesome. it was a scorcher outside, so lots of iced coffee, fro-yo, and strawberry lemonade were consumed. i bought an iphone 5. i cut my bangs way too short, resulting in headbands for a couple weeks. the month ended with a family trip to norman to watch the sooners play on my birthday. family + sooner football = the best birthday.


- tried gelato for the first time.
- after much thought, i changed my political affiliation.
- my parents celebrated their thirty-second wedding anniversary.

september means football, cooler temps, and the coming of fall. this month was when i really started digging deep and writing content that matters to me. i curled up with a cup of coffee on rainy days. i explored and reveled in the changing leaves and magnificent foliage.


- went to another OU game with daddy.
- had a photo featured on instagram.
- witnessed six kids accept Jesus as their Savior at wednesday night youth group.

october ushers in one of the best seasons. fall is in full force, and turkey day and christmas are peeking around the corner. it was a month of stellar sunsets, planning adventures, and changes. i dyed my hair red and WHOA was it red. there were lots of shopping trips with mama and pumpkin spice lattes. daddy and i went on a memorable daddy-daughter date to the OU game against tcu. basically - october was a blast. 


favorite posts:  weekends are for  //  give thanks in joy  //  currently   

- started writing pen pals.
- enjoyed a low-key thanksgiving with my family.
- had one of my instagrams printed in the daily oklahoman.

november - i can't say enough about it. we averaged twenty-five kids on wednesdays nights and big plans were made for next year's trip to fall creek. sleet and ice and snow made an appearance. i bought a new instax camera. thanksgiving was great, followed by mama and i walking around the property. i treated myself to a date with katniss everdeen and a huge bag of popcorn. and i can't forget the best part of november: the return of peppermint mochas. mmmmm.   


- finished the harry potter series for the first time. ( ! ! ! )
- family time.
- sugar cookies. because, YES.

and then there's december. good grief, this year flew by. but this month ended the year on a high note. the birth of our Savior was celebrated. even more peppermint mochas were consumed. i took senior pictures for a family friend. daddy had a birthday. christmas shopping with mama happened more than once. ice and snow greeted us, and it was divine. there was even an earthquake thrown in the midst of it all. (i love oklahoma.) and for the grand finale - i bought a new truck saturday.

this year was pretty darn good. lot of firsts were had, lots of love and laughs and tears and struggles and everything in between. but in each detail, i see the Lord. in each moment, i know He was there, guiding me along the way. as i reflect back on this year, i am thankful for the experiences - good and bad - because i don't want to become complacent. i want to grow and learn and create and explore all He has to offer.

hey, twenty-thirteen - thanks for the lessons learned + memories made. peace out.


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