Q1 review // 2022

Q1 word - D E L I G H T

after reading the winter issue of the magnolia journal + the little book of hygge, i was inspired to focus on delighting in the winter season. i usually dread it; the cold, the dark- it's depressing. but this winter (which i consider december, january, + february) was the opposite- it was delightful

in making a conscious decision to find the good, i never felt like i was just surviving. i found joy in two snowstorms that dropped over five inches of powdery goodness in february. it wasn't just a mindset shift though: i realized having proper outerwear makes a difference! i didn't mind a neighborhood walk in 40-degree weather. 

my intention for this year's goals was not just to check it off my list as an accomplishment, but to create daily habits that reflect the life we want to live- a life untethered from my phone, a faith lived out, a heart for others.

Q1 goals + tasks-

-  practice hygge.  the days grew darker + colder, but as i reflect on this winter season, it will be marked with joy. in making a conscious decision to enjoy the colder months, i found so many things to be grateful for:  reading by the light of the christmas tree, sipping hot tea with local honey, long walks in our neighborhood on nicer evenings, reading in the greenhouse, and actually enjoying snow days (instead of dreading my work commute.) 

-  eat dinner at the table three times a week.  i admit: we all usually eat on the couch. it's together, but i wanted to create a habit of sitting down at the table. we are still actively working at this.

-  weekly social media sabbath.  of all the goals + habits to implement, this one has had the most impact on every area of my life. it starts at 4pm on friday (when i leave work) and goes through saturday at 4pm. (sometimes i extend it to sunday afternoon). i get excited for it. i have started even started leaving my phone on the nightstand until my alarm goes off the next morning during the weeknights. i will never regret time away from the noise of social media.

-  read six physical books.  i read 10 books! i met this goal in just a month. it's crazy! for the last several years, i have only been reading via audiobooks; i wondered if i would even be able to hold a book again. there is something about slowing down that made this possible. (and our local library + the little free libraries around wichita!) 

-  hone my microblogging skills.  this goal needs more time to grow, but i like what is being cultivated with my writing.


-  2022 powersheets prep -  done!
-  publish 2021 recaps -  posted here + here + here
-  observe advent -  yes, what a beautiful reminder for the true reason of the christmas season. i read through ann voskamps's advent book, the greatest gift
-  publish december recap.  here 


-  stretch every day (january fitness goal) -  i only accomplished this a handful of times. LOL.
-  find two clean lipsticks (red + nude) -  i developed an allergic reaction to a new face wash, so moving this to the spring.
-  publish 2022 introductory post -  posted here 
-  publish january recap on the blog - here 


-  take the stairs at work each day (february fitness goal) - yes! what a fun goal.
-  declutter three areas of our home - my closet, bookshelf, + clothes in my dresser drawers. 
-  publish february recap.  here 


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