T H I R T Y // a month in review - blogtember.

a farewell coffee date. how did the blogtember challenge go for you? any surprises
what was your favorite prompt, or what would you like to see included next time?

goodness gracious, it's the last day of the blogtember challenge. i have mixed feelings - happy, bummed, relieved, tired. more than anything, i feel accomplished. my goal at the beginning of the month was to blog intentionally every single day. i challenged myself to write and photograph authentically and purposefully. there were some days when the words flowed easily; and other days, i stared at a blank white page.

WHAT I LEARNED [in september and from blogtember]
- i have great people in my life who will help in any way possible.
- i do not want to excel at things that do not matter.
- getting rid of clutter and excess makes me ridiculously happy.
- leggings can only be worn as pants when at home. this is the only exception to the rule.
- planning is crucial in creating good content.
- but sometimes i need to sit down and just write. that rawness is sometimes my best writing.
- making a vlog is not as scary as i imagined it to be.
- procrastination might seem like a good idea at the time, but it leads to unnecessary stress.
- maybe it's the photographer in me, but i cannot post someone's photo on my blog - even if i link it. this weird quirk proved to be valuable in creating unique blogtember posts. i was forced to think outside the box, only to realize that's what blogging is - going outside of the box.

- started the teaching high school sunday school class.
- wrote my first guest post.
- had my first salted caramel mocha frappuccino of the fall season.
- finalized the new blog name and design.
- co-hosted the circle with kiki.
- had a majoy DIY fail.
- bought an iphone 6!
- participated & completed the blogtember challenge!

> when i grow up.
> ten things.
> inspired.
> mood board.
> fall to-do list.

- read two books.  umm, i read two chapters of one book.
- participate in the blogtember challengecheck!
- prayer & bible study.  i started a prayer journal this month, which has been so helpful.
- document daily happenings in life journal. it's so nice to look back and reflect on each day.
- catch up on writing pen pals. YES! this was one of my main goals.
- clean out the closet & bedroom [again]. done. and we cleaned the garage out, too!
- catch up on my self-portrait project. umm......


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