E L E V E N // inspired.

how do you stay inspired? who inspires you?

whether it's reading a book or my favorite blogs or scripture, words have power. they invigorate my soul and inspire me to create, breathe, and live.

take a nature walk.
about once a week, i unplug from social media + take a walk up to the pasture. it clears my brain and gives me fresh perspective. i've noticed a lot of my best ideas happen when my mind isn't so cluttered with instagram + twitter + emails.

make to-do lists.
i write everything down. pens + post-it notes + paper products make me swoon. [nerd alert] when i am feeling uninspired, i grab a pen + paper + jot down a happy list. when chaos seems to overtake my brain, i make a to-do list. when i am intentional about writing a list, i am inspired to take action to make things happen.

set goals.
this is something new for me, and i am reaping its benefits more + more each day. i am more motivated + procrastinate a little less. but like i've said before, it's not about checking off all the boxes, but challenging myself.

i doubt i have to explain how awesome pinterest is for inspiration or lack thereof.

carry a journal.
sometimes i get good ideas at the most random time/places. when i am inspired, i jot down ideas in my blog journal

women who go against the norm of society + bear the fruit of their faith. ladies who share the gritty + messy parts of life. women supporting other women. stories of redemption, grace, and God's faithfulness. people who overcome their circumstances instead of becoming a product of them. bloggers who show a vulnerable side, not just their immaculately designed homes. my family and friends. flowers. smiling strangers. coffee. 


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