36 things in year 36.


0001.  wordle is the tiniest delight that (still) brings a sliver of joy to my life each day.

0002.  i will never, ever regret time away from social media.

0003.  i started a weeknight habit of no social media once i am home from work. what began as an experiment to see what would happen turned into the biggest creative spur of inspiration. i also realized i don't want jackson to look back on his childhood + think of his mom always having a phone in her hand.

0004.  we always thought there were certain things in our life we could never part with. after jared left his job last year, we were forced to face this idea with a new perspective. those things? they were just that: things. we have adjusted our lifestyle quite a bit from where we were a year ago. and to our surprise, we are not only happier, but lighter. things in this world are just things.

0005.  i wrote a list of things i love. it is probably the most fun blog post i have written in my 10+ years of blogging. such a creative reminder of all the beautiful things in my life, big + small.

0006.  jackson + i discovered a little free library near our neighborhood + now we love to adventure around wichita, searching for good books. 

0007.  after discovering the wonder of magnesium last year, i also started to incorporate a lot more protein in my daily diet this year. couple that with no coffee before breakfast + less processed foods and it finally feels like i have a somewhat grasp on my health.

0008.  jackson finished up pre-k, and we began homeschooling him for kindergarten. 

0009.  if people know how often i think about laurannae espresso + pastry bar, they would wonder if i'm okay. when we visited this adorable spot in tulsa at christmastime, i was not prepared. when i tell you i am OBSESSED. the ambiance, the decor, the coffee, the EVERYTHING. it's what my coffee shop dreams are made of. 

0010.  jared + i celebrated seven years of marriage + jackson turned five.

0011.  bullet journaling is still better than any paper planner.  

0012.  sitting on the sidelines might feel safe, but jumping into community with fellow believers is better, even if you pee a little

0013.  i am a pen + paper girl through + through, but the digital task reminder app on my phone is a lifesaver. i don't always have my bullet journal with me, so this is a nice alternative for random tasks + things i need to remember throughout the day.

0014.  perspective + heart posture can (literally) change the most dreaded of seasons. i actually enjoyed winter this year. 

0015.  (see #0014) the practice of hygge is why the winter season is not one i dread anymore. i loved reading about this danish method of daily living. this way of life has spilled over into the warmer months of my year as well. these small, intentional moments bring peace to the chaos of the world around me. 

0016.  (see #0014 + #0015)  it also helps to have proper winter gear. i finally replaced my very old winter coat with this one. it is so warm!

0017.  i am so grateful for our local library. i have saved (literally) thousands of dollars with my library card!

0018.  watching a movie with my husband is easily one of my top five favorite things to do. (bonus points if it is the matinee at the movie theater)

0019.  we took a couple of fun trips with my parents. tulsa at christmas time + grand lake in late spring.

0020.  i got a nice pair of bougie pajamas + it was the best purchase i made all year.

0021.  a long walk in our neighborhood still cures just about anything.

0022.  our niece got married! i was a bridesmaid + jackson was the ring bearer.

0023.  i fell in love with novels in verse. (and my kindle as well, which had collected dust for the last three years!)

0024.  the local church is vital in the christian life. i will acknowledge church hurt is a real thing for people, but i will not allow it to make me bitter or question it's role in my life.  

0025.  i am not the Holy Spirit; it is not my job to convict someone.

0026.  a few favorite books i read this year:  "textbook" + "sea of tranquility" + "falling".

0027.  recap to reflect + remember. i was thinking about how i record my days, and this is the conclusion i came to: i recap my days + the happenings of my life to reflect on past memories + remember His faithfulness in my life. 

0028.  steak sauce is such an underrated condiment.

0029.  after much thought + prayer, we made the decision to not have more children. walking through five miscarriages in four years was beyond words. we are definitely open to another child, but we have left that in the Lord's hands. 

0030.  never did i think a pair of flared jeans would take up any space in my closet ever again, but here i am with a new pair hanging next to my skinny jeans. it's weird + i like it.

0031.  i have experienced a lot of disappointment this year. i did not always step forward in grace. but i am learning i have a choice in the matter: i can pout or pivot. the later can bring joy, if i allow it the chance. 

0032.  we bought more plants this year, and we killed less plants this year.

0033.  look at the fruit. the best indicator of someone who walk with Jesus is the fruit in their life. 

0034.  i asked for forgiveness a lot this year from the people in my life. not because i messed up a lot, but because i am on a journey to rid myself of comparison + bitterness + all these things i have carried on my shoulders for far too long. there is freedom in acknowledging my shortcomings. and there is joy in the open arms i have received.

0035.  we took a giant leap of faith (that felt like jumping out of a plane) when we made the decision for jared to leave his job at the end of last year. what a privilege we have - that we get to live out our faith. what a God we serve - One who goes before us + makes a way when we cannot even see the next steps.

0036.  this was a radical year for my faith. not because something significant happened. quite the opposite. it was this year where i walked out my faith boldly. the year where bible study + prayer were prevalent in my everyday life. the year in which my faith grew deeper roots. He is faithful + His grace is sufficient. 


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