a month in review // february 2017.

-  twenty-one weeks! this baby bump has made its debut, and i can't get enough of it.

-  i love my powersheets!

-  we tried milkfloat this month. delicious coffee + delightful atmosphere.

-  we took a mini-road trip to the cosmosphere in hutch. i'm a space nerd, so i found it so fun.


//  we had a group of friends over for superbowl sunday. we watched the commercials only until the third quarter. no one in our group was rooting for the pats, so we were a little bummed with the outcome. BUT one of our friends brought snickerdoodle cookies, so i consoled myself with... more than one. :)

//  baby keimig is a BOY! i am so thrilled to be a boy mom.

//  i made my first crockpot meal! it was delicious. i can't believe it took me this long to make something in the crockpot, but now i'm planning my next meal.

//  jared + i celebrated valentine's day by taking a short road trip to OKC one weekend. my family met us down there, and the weather - it was 85 degrees, y'all. we shopped, ate delicious food, and tried a couple new coffee shops. our hotel was so nice, too. they had theeeee best cheesecake + chocolate lava cake i've ever had. and the bed was amazing. i had to reach for jared because the bed was so big and lush. i didn't want to leave that glorious bed.

//  this is TMI, but i am ridiculously proud that i went up a full cup size when i bought a new bra this month. :)

//  we bought a new bed! after sleeping in that glorious bed in OKC, i finally convinced husband that we desperately needed a new bed. it's a king size, so it barely fits in our bedroom. but i'm in heaven every time i sleep. we wanted a king size so we would have room to spread out and sleep comfortably. milo usually crowds us, but he is no longer allowed to sleep in the bed with us. he peed in our new bed on the second night. [i was furious!] i have to reach for jared because it's so spacious. it's glorious.

//  we took a spontaneous road trip to the cosmosphere. the space nerd in me was geeking out.


::  having a separate set of powersheets for work is genius. i found my old set from 2015 that i never used, so i made them my work powersheets.

::  pregnancy has been a sanctifying process for me. the last six months have forced me to face the fact that i have been coasting thru my faith for quite awhile. i got out of my daily habits (prayer, bible study, etc.).

::  i started leaving my planner + powersheets at work instead of at home during the week. this has helped me keep up with my daily/weekly/monthly goals + habits + such. i found it weird at first that i was so motivated just be keeping them in my desk, but then i realized that after i get home from a long day at work, the last thing i want to do is look at anything other than the back of my eyelids. ha!

::  social media as of late has been ridiculous. i have noticed that if i am following people who are excessively obnoxious with their views/memes/etc., then i have to click unfollow or mute. more than ever, i've learned what fills my newsfeed fills my mind. in january, i cleaned up my social media accounts drastically. i try to only follow people who actually have something worthwhile to say, rather than those who decide to make social media their diary.

::  i set three alarms, and it never fails- i snooze them for over thirty minutes every. single. morning.

::  two words: maternity leggings.

::  registering for baby is slightly overwhelming. i'm trying to be practical- yet i have no idea what i really need. i'm also trying not to add every single cute item to the list.

::  i was on the fence about it at first, but i really enjoy watching instagram stories now. i kinda want to start posting some ig stories of my own, but it would probably only consist of photos/videos of milo. :)

::  matcha lattes are the most disgusting thing i've ever tried. gross.



prepare taxes + file 2016. done!

start baby research + make a list for the registry. well, i made the registry. that's as far as i got. ha!

reflect on february + finish powersheets prep for march.  done. it feels so good to have consistent motivation to accomplish the big + little goals each day/week/month.


powersheets check-in.  i didn't use my powersheets as much as i wanted to last year. procrastination + laziness got the best of me. but this year, i am determined to utilize my powersheets to keep up the little-by-little progress i'm making each month. real talk: i never set goals until it became a thing to blog about in bloggerland. my goals are more like to-dos.

keep up with the month in review post on the blog. my goal for the year is to recap each month. so far, so good.

blog 1 - 2 times each weekbaby keimig is a...  //  pregnancy + faith  //  weekend photo diary  //  pregnancy, month five.





little by little.

record dailies in ECLP.

praise Him


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