10 things i loved in november.

1.  hygge. i read “the little book of hygge”. (affiliate link) to say i dislike winter would be an understatement. but as we creep closer to colder days, i find myself excited + it’s because of this book. hygge is a feeling of cozy + comfort, and includes all things related: blankets, warm drinks, a sweet snack, candles, friends/family, warm lighting, etc. it’s a small, daily practice that invites us to slow down. this book is a must-read! 

2.  family time. whether is was gathering around the table at my parents' house for thanksgiving or game nights with my in-laws or watching the cowboys lose with jared's parents- i found a simply joy in those moments. 

3.  a list of things i love. (yes, a list of things i love on a blog post about things i love.) ashlee gadd shared her list on instagram, and it inspired me to do the same. but "inspired" is an understatement; it took on a deeper meaning as i started making my list. i started to realize this small practice was magnifying His goodness. some things were silly, but it shifted my focus to what really matters, + i am grateful for it. i plan to write another list, maybe once a quarter! 

4.  capturing bits + pieces of our week. i will never be a vlogger because it is just not my forte, but i have enjoyed documenting the little things from our weeks. 

5.  our local library. it's no secret that my preferred method of reading is audiobooks, but there were a few books i've been wanting to read that were best enjoyed with the physical copy in hand. so we took a family trip to the library. i picked up my holds, and jackson checked out several books as well. i am throughly enjoying cuddling up with a book, hot tea, + my bougie blanket. (affiliate link)

6.  evening walks in our neighborhood. i am convinced a long walk will cure just about anything.

7.  autumn. this year's autumn season felt like such a gift. for once, the weather stayed consistent, which made the fall foliage absolutely stunning. these last few months of the year are my favorite. fall + the holidays bring about a sentimental reflection. 

8.  no more mosquitos. i can walk outside + not get kamikaze-attacked by swarms of killer mosquitos. i am being very dramatic, but it was a long summer of itchiness. 

9.  my bullet journal. i know i talk about this a lot, but it is not just a fun creative outlet; it’s super practical for remembering things in my everyday life. i am switching to seasonal bu-jos, so this next one will go from december to february (winter). 

10.  that we GET to live out our faith. we took a big leap of faith this month. and i can't help but get emotional- that jared + i GET to say, "here is our life. we trust that You will make a way." what a privilege to serve a God who is in the details + cares far beyond what we can comprehend. 


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