- jared started his new inspection position with textron this month. this new position was great because he would be off the airplane (no more tearing up his body) and he would have a greater chance of being transferred back to first shift eventually. after a year of praying + waiting, jared got word that a first shift position will be available in april! this was all God, y'all. He was my comfort during the evenings when i was so incredibly lonely. He is faithful to provide!
- the winter olympics. ♥
- jackson turned eight months old! he started crawling just a little bit + dances anytime music comes on, says DADADADA allllll the time, and started sleeping thru the night (in his crib, hallelujah).
- books read: little fires everywhere | dark matter | the shape of ideas
+ i was so worried about what our childcare situation would look like once jared transferred back to first shift. we have three different people watching him during the week. but it's only for four hours a day. i wasn't sure what childcare would look like with the shift change, but - again all God - it's all going to work out.
+ the first week jackson started sleeping thru the night, i didn't. haha! i would get up and go check on him to make sure he was okay.
+ we had lots of icy/snowy weather this month. this usually stresses me out, but i'm so thankful that our new house is a lot closer to work. there was only one morning that was really dicey, but all the schools and colleges cancelled, so there was hardly anyone on the roads. before i met jared, i never drove in ice + snow, so this was a big deal for me!
+ sometimes it's best to take a moment before reacting to national tragedies. i had a tweet thread ready to be posted in light of the recent school shooting, but after some thought, i realized my words were better left in the draft folder. instead, i had discussions with those around me. while i believe the internet is wonderful for dialogue, sometimes it's best to process certain things with those around you.
+ the newborn stage was so incredibly hard for me. there are lots of reasons. failed expectations. zero sleep. buying a home. trying to work part time. not knowing what i was doing. but as i reflected on that season earlier this month, i have this weird, tender fondness for it in my heart. i'm not in the thick of it anymore, but there was still good in it.
- favorite podcasts.
- currently.
- notes from the weekend // five | six | seven | eight
+ file 2017 taxes. ✓
+ read two books. ✓
+ clean out jackson's clothes. ✓
+ go through my clothes one last time. ✓
+ daily gratitude. ✓