weekly musings // 006


-  sometimes when i write, i want the atmosphere to feel cozy, even when it's 90º outside. so i put my headphones in + play a thunderstorm playlist on spotify. it is soothing + relaxing.

-  jackson calls stuffed animals his "lovies" and it kills me with cuteness.

-  i really had to ask for patience from the Holy Spirit while on the phone with a member this week. she was not a nice person. she was so rude to my coworkers as well, going as far to say she's going to "write a letter". [yeah, she was a peach, lol.] while i kept my cool with her, i also made sure to let my coworkers know they are valued. i do not have many interactions with members, but those in customer service are my heroes! 

-  this post by erin is so, so beautiful + insightful.

-  motherhood is not my highest calling. i said what i said. [and while i'm at it -- can we stop using the term "full-time mom"? i get what's being said, but it's degrading to moms who work outside the home. we are not part-time moms.]

-  have you ever used a bidet? we have one in jared’s bathroom + will be adding another to my toilet soon. this is what we have + it’s a little luxury for your bum.

-  why WHYYYYYY am i wishing for snow?! i think it's the mosquitos. they're driving me to insanity.

-  we went to the parade in our neighborhood + then walked over to the fall festival. it was so fun! i got a glorious massage + the most delectable dutch oven blueberry cobbler that i will dream about for weeks. what a fun saturday morning!

-  i have been wearing these faux nose rings for over a year + love them. 

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