-  did you know that when you visit the emergency room, you will be billed by multiple sources? the ER itself, the radiologist who read your ultrasound, and the most surprising of all, the ER physician? did you also know that if the ER physician's billing department misspells your street address, you will never get that bill + 10 months later, you will get a call about an unpaid bill totaling $1,300.00? you might freak outtttt or realize it's going to be okay. (me? i did both, but heavy on the former). it could have ruined my whole evening, heck- my whole week! but then i realized it was never filed through insurance, so i'm hoping it won't be as bad.

-  i ordered a VMP prayer journal for the coming year. i have wanted one for a long time, but couldn't justify $50 for basically a journal. but i finally did it. 

-  earlier this week, i told jared that i felt like the Lord had abandoned me. (i know.) i knew He hadn't, but it felt like He had. once i started to think about it + dig in, i realized it wasn't abandonment at all; it was refinement

-  i started listening to the seven husbands of evelyn hugo on audio. it started out so good, but now it's meh. 

-  august is the official start of fall in my book.

-  i really had the audacity to curl my hair in the august humidity, lol. 

-  i published a page of my favorite newsletters. there are only 3 listed at the moment, but they're good ones.

-  i am slowly updating the blog with current links + such. i came across this post, and it made me happy.

-  i reeeeally want a sling bag. most of the sites i search show men wearing them, but i don't care. it's so functional! lol.

-  pinterest has really been inspiring me lately.

-  i am on the hunt for a new winter coat. all of mine either have holes or are worn out. i am considering this one.

-  if you ever want to cheer me up, make mashed potatoes.

-  we went out on my BIL's boat a couple times this week. it was so peaceful to be on the water as the sun sat. 

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