currently // october 2020

creating:  my newsletter. here is october's.

baking:   these cookies + this baked oatmeal

drinking:  at this very moment, a pumpkin spice latte.

snacking:  bell peppers with cream cheese + everything bagel seasoning

reading:  i just finished "american royals" and to my surprise, i LOVED it! 

listening:  "nine perfect strangers" on audio. it is slooooow, but i'm hoping it picks up soon. 

watching:  the blacklist, season seven. 

wishing:  there was no snow coming in tonight.

anticipating:  halloween! it's more fun now that jackson is excited about it.

enjoying:  this gratitude journal. such a great daily habit to utilize against discontentment.

wondering:  if i should start up #notpolethursdays on instagram again.

loving:  making family traditions.

marveling:  how God is working in our lives, even in the midst of such grief.

needing:  to start a deep clean/declutter of our entire home. 

realizing:  christmas is two months away. GAHHHH. 

wearing:   these comfy pants from target + lots of layers.

making me happy:   puzzles + chai lattes + autumn nights by the fire + game nights + cozy house slippers  


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