weekly musings.

-  this was a busy week. i usually write little notes on my phone throughout the day for this recap post, but when i sat down to write them out, i only had two things from the last seven days. oops. that's just par for the course this time of year. jared has also been working a crazy amount of overtime. i think he'll clock in 20 hours of OT. this week was good though. we went grocery shopping + ate chickfila + drove around to look at christmas lights + i started planning for 2020.

-  does anyone actually ever go to the grocery store only  once a week?

-  the chocolate mint perfect bar (exclusive to whole foods) is so legit.

-  we are in search of a toddler bed for jackson, and i think we are going with a race car bed.

-  i started reading the second book in the inspector gamache series.

-  the cinnamon roll latte from leslie's coffee co is so good that it almost made me cry happy tears.

-  this recap post is coming at you late because i fell asleep last night.


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