- five days into the new year, i miscarried for the second time. my heart was broken, but i felt the comfort of the Lord so much on that saturday morning. i was five weeks along.
- i discovered leslie coffee co + have frequented this coffee shop almost every week since.
- i was featured on wichita life ICT.
- jared + i took a short overnight trip to OKC. we drank lots of coffee + visited TJs for the first time.
- jared + i celebrated four years of marriage.
- in mid april, i miscarried for the third time in eighteen months. i was 10 weeks along. it was the hardest. the lowest. the most heart broken i've ever been. my faith was shaken to the core. it took months for me to start healing. as i surveyed my life after our third miscarriage, it was scorched earth. every part of my life was different. but . . . in a good way. for the first time in too long, i realized i had been living with surface-level faith.
- we bought our home!
- jared built a beautiful pergola.
- i visited my family in oklahoma on memorial weekend. i learned a very, very valuable lesson: never, ever drive in a severe thunderstorm. ever, ever.
- we celebrated jackson's second birthday!
- i created a fun instagram called wichita collective to highlight my city.
- i turned thirty-three.
- i found my doc martens from twenty years ago!
- we took a trip to branson. it was my first time + we had a blast.
- two words: TRADER JOE'S.
- we bought a camper!
- i chopped off 6+ inches of hair.
- this was the year i discovered the delight that is veronica mars. i binged all the seasons, the movie, the books, + the hulu series. i'm a firm believer that books/movies/tv shows somehow find us at the right moment sometimes, and this was definitely one of them.
- one of my favorite memories from this year will be sitting down at applebee's to eat dinner and realizing we were in the wrong restaurant AFTER we got our menus.
- i read 15 books! here is a recap of each book.