- saturday mornings are my favorite.
- evening playtime in the backyard.
- this boy loves books.
- spring is coming, y'all.
M O M E N T S + H A P P E N I N G S
we have been fighting some sort of sickness for almost two weeks. once a sickly one gets better, someone else gets it or another virus. i know this is normal, especially with a toddler, but i'm over it.
it was still light when i got home on monday evening, and the weather wasn't freezing cold, so we started a fire + played outside with jackson for a good chunk of the evening. spring is coming, and my heart could burst from excitement!
i have been using the ibotta app to get a little cash back. it is kind of a slow process, and they don't offer it for online/pick-up orders yet, but so far, i've racked up $5. here is a referral code. (i get money from this, but hey - you do as well!)
i finished my first judy blume book. most people probably read these as kids, but i did not. it was cute. [also on the topic of books, i started ellie kemper's new book, and DNF'd it. i can count on one hand the number of books i haven't finished because it kills me to do so. but maybe this just isn't the time for me to read that book. i truly believe that books can find us at just the right time.]
i had an unexpected day off in the middle of the week. even though it was due to sickness, it was much needed for me to rest + recharge.
jackson had his first major fall this weekend. he was trying to walk down the step, and tripped. he fell face first onto the concrete. he has a huuuuge booboo. it's sad, but he asked for snacks five minutes later, so i think he will be okay. :)
the iced cloud caramel macchiato from starbucks is LEGIT, you guys.
L E S S O N S + R E A L I Z A T I O N S
- this is a major unpopular opinion (and one that would've made me cringe + roll my eyes had i heard this a few years ago), but i prefer my kindle to physical books. it's 100% because of this season in my life. i can really only read before bed, and i don't want to keep jared awake with a light. there are also times i can read while jackson is playing, and having a kindle is so much easier in those instances.
- do the evenings seem to fly by for anyone else now that we have extra daylight?
- the baby we lost last summer would have been born earlier this month. i will always carry that loss with me, but i find comfort in knowing that when he/she opened their eyes, the first face they saw was Jesus. i wouldn't say it has gotten easier - it's always there - but i have a peace about it. there's a lot more to this story that i will share some day. for now, about the only thing i can do is give it to the Lord, knowing that He is the true source of comfort.