THE WEEKLY: march 18th - 24th

  S N A P S H O T S  

-  pretty kansas sky
-  i love that kid
-  beep, beep
-  odd yet beautiful plant in our backyard

   M O M E N T S  +  H A P P E N I N G S   

jared started a new project on the house. it's the first major one since we moved in last august after the remodel over the summer. he started off with a plan to put new composite over the existing deck, but quickly discovered he'd have to re-frame the entire thing. [isn't that what happens with all house projects? starts out simple, ends up a nightmare?] he finished it saturday night, and it looks awesome. he still has a lot of work to do to get it ready for our summer parties, but this is a great start.

jackson + i have started a little routine before bed of reading books. it's mostly him turning the pages before i'm finished reading and pointing out the objects he knows, but i'll take it! he curls up next to me, and it makes my heart burst.

the weather was delightful this week, and we welcomed the first official day of spring.

   L E S S O N S  +  R E A L I Z A T I O N S   

-  it baffles me that jackson will be turning two in just a few months. i'm not ready to talk about it.

-  the Word of God never returns void, even after reading it over and over again for the past decade. i love scripture. this isn't a realization, but more of a reiteration.

-  i miss the way blogging used to be. i miss when instagram was a place to share art. those things can be what we make it, but i still miss what it was before giveaways/ads/numbers became a thing.


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