THE WEEKLY: jan 28th - feb 3rd.

  S N A P S H O T S  

-  exploring
-  sunrise on my way to work
-  cake donut at work
-  winter nature

   M O M E N T S  +  H A P P E N I N G S     

-  i was featured on wichita life ICT this week!

-  we ventured out of the house on saturday to take in the delightful weather. after a bitter cold week, sunshine + fresh air were exactly what we needed!

-  jackson woke up, so jared was in his room getting him changed, and i heard him say, "oh no." call it whatever you want, but i already knew what he was talking about. i felt his "oh no" all the way in my bones. LOL. jackson had thrown up sometime in the night. he never cried for us because it had been there for a while. at the time i'm typing this, he has been totally fine. jared + i have dreaded the day he gets a stomach virus, so hopefully this isn't that.

   L E S S O N S   +  R E A L I Z A T I O N S    

-  "what is right/working for us at this very moment?" -- this is a great viewpoint for motherhood or really any season of life. sometimes i can be so focused on what "should be" or what i think something should look like, but looking at what works for our family at this moment instead of looking ahead or around at other people is better for me + us.

-  i challenged myself to read before bed each night instead of scrolling mindlessly on my phone or watching tv. i love reading, but sometimes i get lazy.


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