THE WEEKLY: jan 21st - 27th.

  S N A P S H O T S  

-  coffee shop hangs
-  he was really proud of his outfit
-  family date night
-  beautiful sunrise on my way to work

   M O M E N T S  +  H A P P E N I N G S     

-  i finally kicked the nasty cold that stuck around for way too long.

-  we have started budgeting our groceries, and it's weirdly fun. maybe it's just the challenge of it all.

-  we tried a new coffee shop in the delano district. it's my new favorite in wichita.

-  i was outside sunday afternoon, sitting on the grass because the weather was gorgeous when i spotted a flower... in january! i've always said that seeing a flower - especially when it really shouldn't be there - is God's way of showing me that He sees me. the past few weeks have had some challenges, some heartbreaks, and i'm so comforted that He sees + knows me.

   L E S S O N S   +  R E A L I Z A T I O N S    

-  i tweeted about the recent law that was passed in new york. you can read it here.

-  four years ago today, jared messaged me on the dating app we were both on. "99% match is pretty good." even to this day, i still have moments where i cannot believe he's my husband. he was everything i prayed for + so much more.


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