- snowy selfie.
- my life motto.
- icy weather.
- silly kid at target.
M O M E N T S + H A P P E N I N G S
- i caught a horrible cold this week. i ended up leaving work on thursday. it's still lingering, but i don't feel like death.
- jackson started saying DO-DO-DO-DO-DO, and i find it so dang cute. he loves baby shark!
- we decided to but groceries on friday night (we are so wild, i know) + as we walked to the exit doors, we saw it had started snowing so hard! oops. jared parked by the entrance so we could load everything. i was so surprised when jackson started freaking out - the snow scared him! we made it home, and jared made it safely to and from work the next day. i actually enjoyed the snowy weather for once. (i didn't have to drive in it, so that's 100% why.)
L E S S O N S + R E A L I Z A T I O N S
- i had this thought while driving home from work this week- you know how a song or a scent can bring back a memory? there are moments we're living right now that we will look back on when a song comes on the radio or when a specific scent takes us back to this time, these moments. and i'm not sure why, but that brings me some comfort.
- just because certain people are loud about stuff on the internet doesn't mean it's a majority. the media would have us believe otherwise.