THE WEEKLY: feb 4th - feb 10th.

  S N A P S H O T S  

-  myriad botanical gardens.
-  madagascar rose latte.
-  my love.
-  trader joe's flowers.

   M O M E N T S  +  H A P P E N I N G S     

-  we had three straight mornings of icy weather. before i married jared, i never drove in bad weather, so it's always a big deal when i have to do it now.

-  jared + i took an overnight trip to OKC on friday. jackson stayed with my parents and had so much fun. we stayed at a ballllller hotel, drank so much coffee, visited the botanical gardens, watched aqua man, and stopped by trader joe's! it was so much fun for us to get away, even if it was only for a short time.

-  i finished the wondering years by know mccoy. i give it a solid four stars.

   L E S S O N S   +  R E A L I Z A T I O N S    

-  trader joe's is everything i imagined it to be.

-  i should really start writing things down because i can't remember anything that happened this week. LOL.


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