weekly musings || 3.31

-  jared + i celebrated two years of marriage this week! i sure do love that guy.

-  i finished harry potter and the cursed child. five stars!

-  my brother-in-law fixed my macbook! i am so excited to get back to blogging + netflix.

-  i fell asleep to the storms on tuesday night + it was glorious.

-  i have discovered the greatest thing, you guys: the cookie dough cafe. you're welcome.

-  did you know there's such a thing as gluten-free toothpaste? i mean . . . why?

-  i may give birth before april the giraffe does.

-  italy is weighing a law granting paid menstrual leave for cramps. i find this a little ridiculous, actually. 

leslie knope just gets me.

-  small moments i'm learning to embrace despite hating second shift: jared makes me coffee in the mornings.

-  i've found comfort in 2 timothy 1:7 lately. when i'm feeling anxious or worried, i repeat this verse to myself.

on the blog this weeka month in review:  march 2017  ||  powersheets check-in: Q1  ||  t w o  


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