- celebrating clarissa's wedding! we danced the night away, and it was magical.
- okc has the best coffee shops.
- hey spring, you're pretty.
- fishing has begun! we have been to the lakes around wichita at least twice a week during april.
- the month began with the celebration of my soul sistah's wedding! jared and i had so much fun in oklahoma. we drank so much good coffee and made great memories.
- i have no willpower when cake is involved.
- if you're on instagram, you likely saw the craziness at the beginning of the month regarding the new algorithm and such. i was so annoyed with the entire situation that i turned off all my notifications on insta. all of 'em. and you guys - it has been so freeing! i always wanted to know who was liking my photos and when i got a new follower and new comments and holy moly - why? why did i feel that need to be connected all the flippin' time?
- around the middle of the month, i started bleeding even though it wasn't time for my period. it was a rough two weeks because i not only had this crazy abnormality, but i caught a bad cold, which led to me bruising a rib from such violent coughing. i had moments of complete breakdown - tears, crying out to God. i never asked why. i just wanted healing. i went in for an ultrasound, and it was discovered that i had a cyst on my left ovary. these are common, so i'm not too worried. [if you've had a cyst before, would you mind emailing me?] they also found a "mass-like area adjacent to my right ovary". i am going in for a ct scan tomorrow so they can get a better image of it. my doctor isn't too worried about it, but prayers are appreciated.
- more than anything, i have to praise God. last september, i noticed a lump in my left breast. i went in for an ultrasound, which showed a tumor known as a fibroadenoma. it measured on the larger side for what was normal, so i was referred to a breast surgeon. well, i never made that appointment because i was in the middle of searching for a new job and then i finally got one. i promised jared that i'd make an appointment after tax season. so last week, i had another ultrasound done to see what it was like now. for about a month prior to this, i had been praying for healing. i noticed that it felt smaller, but was i imagining it all? as the ultrasound tech was doing her thang, she seemed confused. so much so that she called in the resident to take a look. you guys. IT. WAS. GONE. PRAISE HIM!! they were flabbergasted, but i serve a mighty God who hears my prayers and performs miracles! this has given me hope with my current circumstance. He is faithful and healing is coming!
well, the only goal i accomplished was watching my soul sistah marry the love of her life. that really wasn't a goal, but it made it to the list, so hey - one is better than none. with all the craziness of the last four weeks, i've had my perspective changed. my focus is less on to-do's and more on moments. the waiting for results forced me to face the fact that i haven't been living a life of worship lately. yes - on sundays and wednesday nights, but what about the rest of the days? i was comfortable in my routine, and i thank God for the disruption. it has spurred my into His arms of grace and love. He is so, so good.