i am trying to establish myself as a blogger again. not that i stopped being a blogger, but after the whirlwind that was twenty-fifteen, i want to consistently get back into blogging + instagram + all the creative things that fuel my passions. i have been reading blogs + articles + magazines + books like crazy lately. i want to share a few of my favorites reads as of late. [yet another series on this blog, i know.]
being a new wife [the tiny twig]
oh mylanta. #3. i needed to read that ten months ago! the expectation i put on myself to be the perfect wife was unrealistic and silly. i had all these notions in my head, which were culturally distorted. jared didn't expect these things of me. as jennifer said, it was pride. i wanted to prove my title as a new wife. HA. our situation was unique in that i had only known jared for two months when we married. so there were other challenges as well. like, you know, getting to know each other even though we were married. [to this day, i still wouldn't have done anything different!] this article was spot on for me.
what i learned | online dating [in its time]
kiki nailed this post. as someone who tried online dating with success [aka: a handsome husband!], i completely agree with the tips she gives. i had zero hope in online dating, y'all. after two days, i wanted to delete my profile and forget the whole thing. had i known some of the things that kiki shares, i wouldn't have let myself get the crazy-stressed-this-will-never-work attitude.
wildflower [drew barrymore]
drew's new book is a simple yet thoughtful collection of essays about her life. when i first researched this book, a lot of reviews talked about how drew discusses her past experiences, but not in-depth on the drugs and wild life she once lived. as i read this book, i realized that drew is in a different place in her life. motherhood looks good on her, if you ask me. she is more aware of every aspect of her life. i finished this book over the weekend, and i found it light and quirky - just like drew. plus, the book's name is my favorite for obvious reasons.
jess connolly
if i could meet anyone in the world (including celebrities), it would be jess. her words have impacted my life so much lately. she is taking a break from social media for lent, but her blog and instagram are still packed with bits of goodness and truth. she also sends out weekly emails, which are so, so good. her new book (co-written with hayley morgan) called wild + free is releasing in may. i already preordered the book and so should you!
design for mankind [erin loechner]
i lovelovelove erin's writing style and her stories and her words and how i feel like reading her blog is equivalent to curling up on the couch with a latte and a really good book. what i appreciate the most about erin's blog is that when she is sharing a sponsored product, it is still fluid. i don't notice she's promoting a product until the end. that's how blogging should be. not just getting free stuff and saying, "i looooooooove this stuff." without giving any further deets or opinions.
now is your turn - tell me what you've been reading as of late. i thoroughly enjoy good recommendations.