[last summer - colorado springs, colorado]
my theme for 2016 is WORSHIP.
a wild + creative life of worship for the Lord is my desire for the new year and all the other days of my life.
i want my art to shout His praises + use my talent for His glory.
with the craziness of the last eleven months of my life, i pushed that talent to the side. during this time of getting married + moving to a new state + starting a new job + then another new job, jared encouraged me to not forget about my passions.
now that i am settled in my new city + our home + life in general, i need to pursue those passions that fuel my creativity. in doing so, my goal is to create with purpose for His glory.
i want worship to invade every part of my life - whether it's doing the dishes or driving to work or buying groceries. the most mundane activity can be worship. my goals for the new year are about worship in some way.