* a rainy sunday.
* exploring with the film camera.
* bits of winter.
* i found this devotion from matt chandler to be very insightful about the early church of philippi.
* that golden hour gives me all the heart eyes.
* the best chicken salad evahhh.
* more golden hour goodness.
* sometimes you just gotta break it down to some spice girls.
* a frosty morning.
- used a film camera for the first time.
- started my first set of powersheets.
- set goals for the new year.
- soul sistah nights with rizz.
- started watching the first season of gilmore girls. [HOOKED, y'all.]
- participated in #fireworkpeoeple chats on twitter.
- signed up for online dating. (!)
- spent super bowl sunday with my favorite people. [super bowl: booooring. kitten bowl: the best!]
- keeping a 'brain purge' notebook.
- more intention with sabbaths.
- cleaning up/making new inspiration boards on pinterest.
- not drinking enough water.
- procrastination.
- unnecessary worry.
i didn't set any goals for january, with it being the new year and all. january kinda snuck up on me. while everyone was posting their word and goals for the year, i'm sitting here like, "wait, where did 2014 go?"
i blinked and POOF, the new year arrived.
the same thing happened with january: blink. poof. hello, february.
january was a good month. lots of firsts and plans and surprises. after battling a tough situation at church for the better part of last year, i finally let it go. anger corrodes that in which it is carried. my heart, my mind, my speech - it became bitter. i let words of others define me. i let actions dictate my emotions. and it was exhausting. those close to me began to notice something was off. so i laid it all at the feet of Jesus.
february is filled with even more plans. i'm excited. this season of my life has purpose. i'm searching for God in all the little ways and watching Him work in the big ways. this journey is crazy + weird + beautiful + messy. but it's worth every tear, smile and hardship.