a broken and repentant heart
if there's one good thing about my current suffering, it's that it has propelled me even closer to the feet of Jesus. under the shadow of His protecting wings, i find comfort for my broken heart. never in my life have i questioned God this much. why, God, WHY? when the dust finally settled, i saw Jesus standing there - holding out His loving arms. He was never to blame for my running head-first into a situation without thinking it through. i took the rubble of my heartache and handed it to Him. He won't reject a broken and repentant heart.
now that the fog has lifted, i see beautiful, God-sized blessings: a closer relationship with Jesus. the love of my family. a soul sistah who listens and offers encouragement in the midst of her own struggle. the beauty of the upcoming holidays. grace. and the list goes on and on.
the most wonderful time of the year
i love this time of year! i asked mama if i could put up the christmas tree last night. she proceeded to laugh at me and exclaimed NO! how rude. :) i told mrs. scrooge she might not let me put the tree up, but she cannot stop me from listening to christmas music. fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la!
you guys. i have to admit something to y'all: i'm not the biggest disney fan. don't get me wrong - i love the classics. the little mermaid, the lion king, etc. but over the weekend, riz and i watched tangled. OH. MY. GOODNESS. what have i been doing with my life? i loved it! the chameleon is my favorite. when she is trying the crown on and finally puts it on her head and he's all . . . . no. i have laughed at that for days. this weekend, we are watching frozen. it'll be my first time to see it. i know, i know. i have a feeling i'm gonna like it.
the new blog
i almost spilled the beans and wrote the blog's new name. ha! it will be live next month - eeek! happy dance. is there anything you would like to see more of once it goes live? i'm starting to gather ideas for potential posts, but am always open to suggestions.
back to the dark side
in case you missed it, i went back to brunette. i may or may not have shed a few tears. i will be going back to blonde as soon as possible. if you are a hair stylist, could you please send me an email? i have a few questions.
hi, i love you
if you're reading this right now, i love you. if you've dropped me an email or left an encouraging comment lately, i love you. if you read, but rarely comment, i love you as well. thank you for always showing me love, even in the silence and lack of posting.