party party app.

i have a confession to make: i cannot stop making stop motion videos and GIFs.

the incredible talented ladies & gents over at a beautiful mess have done it again! [seriously, is there anything they can't do?!] they recently released the party party app. i'll admit that i had no idea what the app was about when i purchased it, but i've been a loyal ABM reader for years - so i trusted that it was just as awesome as their other app i downloaded or their photoshop actions i constantly use or their blog life e-course i'm working through. [hashtag, fangirl.]

in addition to GIFs and stop motion videos, you can also make square collages or photo booth strips. you can choose from 9 different frames, 17 filters [levi is my fav!], and you can adjust the brightness & contrast as well.

the ladies wrote a detailed blog post all about the new app HERE. there's also a q&a post HERE.

when work gets cuh-razy - i make GIFs.

swingin' in the park

my daddy is always up for photos. i have the 'penny' setting, so when that sweet voice counted 1-2-3!, he thought it was so cute. 

after we took these, he asked if it was a new app and proceeded to tell me it was cool. he's pretty awesome. :)

boomer got in on the GIF action. 

i love her, but clearly those feelings are not mutual.

and because flowers are my love language - a sunflower GIF. 


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