seven years ago, i walked the red-carpeted aisle of the church i grew up in and gave my heart to Jesus. in turn, He has changed my life.
this isn't some feeble attempt to portray myself as holier-than-thou, and i'm not saying that my life is perfect.
it is a testament to the life-changing, redeeming love of Jesus.
i walk in His grace and i fail, but as psalm 34:27 says, "though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand."
the gospel has become so real and personal to me. Jesus died a death that i deserved. He died in my place. not by any merit of my own, but because His love is fierce and wild and furious. He took my hard heart, the deep hurts, the brokenness, and the hot mess i was and made beauty from the ashes. He rescued me from a life of temporary fills and pain and hurt. He is my Hope and my Salvation and my Redeemer.