she shares truth // psalm 130.

i am currently studying through she reads truth's lent plan. [i heart SRT so much.] each week - in addition to the daily devotionals - they will give a scripture to study. on fridays, we - as a community - come together via social media and blogs to discuss what we learned, what God revealed, etc. this week's scripture is psalm 103. for this first devotional, i broke it down verse by verse.

// verses one & two // from the depths of despair, o Lord, i call for Your help. hear my cry, o Lord. pay attention to my prayer.

i don't have to wonder what a cry from the depths of despair is like because i've been there, on my knees, crying out tear-filled prayers. i remember one distinct time this happened. it was after i finished reading the book, redeeming love. i had been living life my own way, but God used that book to open my eyes to His grace and love and redemption. i was never too far gone or out of His reach.

// verse three // Lord, if You keep a record of our sins, who, o Lord, could ever survive?

well, certainly not me, y'all. just like the psalmist, i know that if it were up to a list of sins - i'd fall short within an hour. actually that's giving myself too much credit. better make it a minute.

// verse four // but You offer forgiveness, that we might learn to fear You.

that verse makes my soul stir. He doesn't keep a record of my sins, but freely offers forgiveness despite my sinful self. i don't have to jump through hoops to earn it or check off a list of do's to keep it. in turn, His grace encourages reverence and trust.

// verses five, six, seven, and eight // i am counting on the Lord; yes, i am counting on Him. i have put my hope in His Word i long for the Lord more than sentries long for the dawn, yes, more than sentries long for the dawn. o israel, hope in the Lord; for with the Lord there is unfailing love. His redemption overflows. He Himself will redeem israel from every kind of sin.

these verses show me that waiting and trusting and hoping in the Lord is an active step. it's not twiddling my thumbs and counting down the days; it's not putting my faith in fleeting circumstances or sinners just like me. it's an active knowledge that the redemptive work of Jesus means it is finished. it's trusting in Him for every little thing. it's knowing that no matter what - His love is unfailing, and His Word is Truth.


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