H A P P E N I N G S :
+ we rang in the new year at our church, singing praises to the Lord. it was a lovely way to celebrate the new year!
+ i transitioned to my new position at work -- all the praise goes to the Lord - Jehovah Jireh!
+ i had a WFH snow day + it was the best ❄️
+ i got to snuggle my new nephew! he is so perfect. (he’s also *technically* my great nephew, but i’m far too young to be a great aunt. the only time ollie is allowed to call me a great aunt is when he’s talking about how wonderful i am. 😂)
+ i took a week off social media for our church’s quarterly consecration week. it was so good — as always.
+ i made a charm necklace + it was such a fun process! 🖤
B O O K S : affiliate links
- afraid of all the things - 5 stars!
i started reading book lovers because everyone raves about all of EH's books (which i typically find just okay). i DNF'd it at about 40% because it was just so booooooring!
- a snowy WFH day ❄️
- friday evening coffee
- buffalo sauce
- finishing a good book!
- decluttering
- two holidays off work
+ my new position at work is such a blessing, but as i have started getting in to what my tasks will be, i see just how far back the Lord's plan really goes. it starts with the summer after i graduated high school, when i thought my life was over because i had to move back home after my living situation for college crumbled overnight. my grandma offered me a job until i could figure out what the next steps were -- and i ended up working there for 12 years! the experience i gained from that job is vital to my current job + there are so many layers to this story. all the glory goes to the Lord because of His provision + His grace.
+ if you cut corners, it will reflect in the results.
+ a friend gave me such good advice. i was talking about my struggles with people pleasing + fear of man. he reminded me that it is not an overnight process. 20+ years of a habit cannot go away at the snap of a finger. praise the Lord for grace + good friends.