APRIL 2023

  H A P P E N I N G S :  

+  we had several 80º days. in my opinion, that is the ideal temperature. (the boys disagree- jared says 70º + jackson says 90º 😆)

+  favorite spring treat: sprite w/cherry + vanilla cream from sonic.

+  i downloaded the lemon8 app. it's fun, but i'm not sure it's going to last. 

+  i finally got my white trash roots touched up. 😂 

+  i took 327 photos of the same blooming tree in our front yard.  

+  we celebrated easter (and my FIL's birthday!) with family + gratefulness for our Savior.    

  B O O K S :  
-  holy hygge - 4 stars
-  holiday romance - 3 stars
-  the housemaid - 4 stars

  T H E  G O O D  L I S T :      
spring blooms 🌸  •  drinking coffee on a slow saturday morning  •  free lunch at work two days in a row  •  curled up with a good book while a soft rain hits the windows  •  the cutest spring manicure  •  pilates with jackson  •  easter ✝️     

  L E S S O N S  +  O B S E R V A T I O N S :  

+  the finlay donovan series is so fun, even if you have to suspend disbelief on some things that happen. (this series is best on audio. angela dawes does an incredible job of narrating this series!)

+  "the fear of mankind is a snare, but the one who trusts in the Lord is protected." [proverbs 29:25]

+  i started pilates this month. it is not as easy as it looks, but it is my favorite way to work out!

+  i cannot stop buying nail wraps from bubblepop


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