january 2023 goals


happy new year!  

on the calendar this month:
-  new years day
-  consecration week at church
-  MLK day off 

what i'm loving right now:
•  playing uno flipchinese checkers
•  ranunculus flowers from TJs
•  these pens  [affiliate link]
•  my hobonichi cousin journal

books read in december:
+  heaven + nature sing  [affiliate link]
+  come let us adore him  [affiliate link]

  revisiting my december goals-  
-  read two books. done. i finished the year with 42 books read. ☑️ 
-  2023 powersheets prep.  done! ☑️
-  pray over the new year.  yes, but still praying over a few areas. ☑️
-  observe advent. ☑️
-  publish 2022 recaps on wildbloom22 happenings + lessons in 2022 // best of 2022  ☑️
-  january powersheets prep.  ☑️ 
-  journal each day in bujo.  this was such a fun goal! i am bringing this goal to the new year as well. ☑️

  january goals/tasks-  

•  pray over the new year
•  publish inaugural 2023 blog post 
•  read three books 📚
•  february powersheets prep
•  take a week off social media [jan 23-29]
•  journal each day in my hobonichi journal


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