weekly musings // 0013


-  "children mimic your tone". phylicia masonheimer said this in a response to a question on her insta. the follower asked about explaining their family's personal choice on a matter to their children + how to prevent them from becoming judgmental about the said situation. i liked how she answered the question. kids are sponges. if they sense judgement from us, they will assume that is the correct way to approach the subject with others.   

-  we watched "the eternals" in theaters. it was . . . fine.

-  we voted in our local election for the school board. 

-  i have lived in wichita for almost seven years, and there is one thing i still can't get used to: geese in the road. they will straight up stop all lanes of traffic as they mosey along to the other side of the street. it is such a baffling thing to watch.

-  jackson's school needed some information. these moments are why i am grateful for my bullet journal. (and for my mom's example of writing everything down!). i was able to easily reference the info + respond in a timely manner. 

-  may i be known more for my love + empathy than my thoughts + opinions.

-  we had a full saturday. it started with all of us sleeping in, which we never do! then we ate lunch at mcalisters deli followed by a trip to our favorite coffee shop in ICT, leslie's coffee co. we drove through the beautiful fall scenery as we made our way out east to a local shop's second location opening, grate.fill. we bought two pothos plants + a small jar of charcoal face mask. we ate mexican food + went to the grocery store. it was a delightful day.


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