remnants journal


at the beginning of quarantine, rachel shared her NYT collage project. i loved the idea, but didn't have a newspaper subscription. as i thought about how i could document this weird time, i remembered when, several years ago, i briefly collected little remnants of my everyday life: movie ticket stubs, stickers, wrappers, etc. so i started saving random things to fill this journal to document 2020.

a card from the little shop, a duplicate puzzle piece, + a card from my niece.

newspaper that was used to wrap china that my mom bought early in their marriage. 
if you zoom in, you can see the date: july 1, 1988!

a "Word before world" sticker that was on the box of a well watered women order, 
jackson's wristband from the pumpkin patch, + a piece of my shopping bag from vortex souvenir.

a piece of paper jackson colored, part of the census envelope, stickers, + a postcard from an online order.

a card from my love.

my voting sticker. 

other things not pictured: jackson's name tag from his preschool's orientation, clippings from my hometown's newspaper, a card from my grandma's funeral, various things from jackson's school, a note from our airbnb host when we vacationed in colorado, + ticket stubs from the train ride.


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