creating: allllll the lists. i basically make to-do lists so i can see how long i can procrastinate the tasks.
eating: salads. ice cream. strawberries. peanut butter sammiches.
drinking: i bought a cute cup at target for $5 + i've been guzzling water like crazy. and blackberry lemonade.
reading: lots of articles related to labor + delivery, of course.
watching: all the instagram stories. i am obsessed with 'em.
anticipating: oh ya know, giving birth.
enjoying: leftover cupcakes from my fourth + final baby shower.
marveling: at the fact that - no matter what - i will have a baby in less than three weeks. what the what?!
needing: to pack a hospital bag. install the car seat. order the crib mattress. ha! no big deal.
learning: to just smile when people comment on the size of my belly. it's whatever at this point.
celebrating: finding out at this week's baby appointment that i am 1 cm dilated; 50% effaced!