pregnancy: month four.

DUE DATE:  june 22, 2017
WEEKS:  14 - 17
TRIMESTER:  second


-  spaghettios
-  sweet tea
-  baked potatoes


-  thankful that i finally kicked a nasty cold in week fourteen.
-  a little more energy! that first trimester is no joke.
-  slightly overwhelmed at the thought of deciding on the right stroller/car seat/etc.


-  the names we have picked out.
-  the whole process. i'm soaking it all in!


-  i know i keep saying this, but FINDING OUT THE GENDER! gah.

the anxiety has let up a little bit as i've made my way into the second trimester. there came a point when i decided that worry will not change anything that will happen. we have to trust that God is in control, and that He holds this baby in His hands. there hasn't been anything to make me think anything is wrong, but this crazy thing happens when you find out you're growing a tiny human: you think of alllllll the things that could go wrong. good grief.

there is one thing i haven't let myself think about yet - giving birth. i told myself that i cannot let my mind go there just yet - not until i know the gender. that's when i really feel like i can start preparing. [it will also be reeeeeeally nice to say he/she - him/her instead of the baby/he-or-she/it.] granted i pray about the birth daily. ultimately, it will happen as it's supposed to. i just want a healthy baby + mama. the rest will not matter once they put that sweet babe in my arms.


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