WANT TO READ // harry potter + the cursed child
i read the HP series for the first time three years ago. there were lots of late nights- just one more chapter, lots of laughs, and a few sobbing sessions. this series is why i love reading. from the first page to the last, i open an adventure in my hands. i go on the journeys with the characters, emotions fully invested with each turn of the page. harry potter reminded me why reading has always been a wonderful part of my life. i have been putting off reading this last book because - just like i did with the deathly hallows - i want to savor every word + detail. i plan to read fantastic beasts and where to find them along with this before the movie comes out in november, too.
READ // the selection series
this series... i want to say i loved it, but i found it to just be kosher. book one was good enough to keep my interest for the second book. but then came book two, aka: the bachelorette on paper. you guys. i loathe that tv show with a passion. it had so much potential to be a great series, but america annoyed me so much in book two that i almost didn't want to finish it. but i did. and then i read book three, which was my favorite of the series. i guess because we see more of the chaos/fighting outside of the palace instead of tuning into another episode of the bachelor 2.0.
this book has been on my to-read shelf for months. i stopped by the library after work grabbed this book because every other one on my list was checked out. so far, it's intriguing. it's a dystopian novel, so of course i'm probably going to get sucked in, binge on books two + three, and then have a book series hangover for a day, mourning the fact that it's over + that so-and-so died + crying tears of joy because they lived happily ever after with the character they should have chosen way back in book one. [and then i'll start another book the day after that!]