every tuesday + thursday, i participate in #fireworkpeople chats on twitter. it's a space for women to encourage, dream, and live out their passions in this world. i love it so much! there is so much Truth being poured out of beautiful women who love Jesus and dream big. women who are FOR each other and have compassion rather than comparison. i hope you will join or at the very least - follow along during one of the chats!
i'm coming out of a season where the fire raged all around me, threatening with its fierce flames and clouding my vision with darkness and pain and anxiety and hurt every chance it got. but like shadrach, meshach, and abednego, i came out of the fiery furnace - no trace of smoke or singed clothes. the enemies who through me in did not win. during a moment of clarity, i saw my God, right there with me. i began dancing through the fire as the flames violently soared all around me. God is faithful. He is always with me. every tear, every prayer, every moment - He sees, He hears, and He knows. a refining fire - i am grateful.
i started working though lara casey's powersheets. good grief - those things are no joke. the act of writing out my dreams + goals - just seeing it on paper has motivated me to make things happen! i was hesitant at first though. the powersheets are geared toward [but not limited to] entrepreneurs. that i am not. i work a 9-5, but i am a creative girl. i bought them in hopes that through this process, God will reveal His purpose for my life. for me, having a full time job meant my passions + dreams + purpose became a little murky. i see many ladies who have turned their creative lifestyle into a career. i want that, but only if it's God's will for my life. i'm learning that i can have passion + purpose outside of my job. i can pursue a creative lifestyle despite those circumstances.