over the weekend.

-  golden hour light is so dreamy. i feel like it's intensified in the fall. maybe it's just me, but it seems the light amplifies the beauty of fading flowers and falling leaves. the chilly air makes exploring that much more incredible, too. it's as though my senses are amplified. i love the fall.

-  red lips and blue plaid. i had a photoshoot with one of my youth group girls and her friends in my backyard over the weekend. i snapped this photo afterwards. photography makes me so happy and giddy. [that dark hair is growing on me. literally & figuratively. i still miss the blonde.]

-  you guys. i finally found the perfect ankle boots! i have been searching for months. they are from DSW. i am seriously considering purchasing the brown pair as well.

-  my favorite nail polish at the moment: OPI's comet in the sky by gwen stefani. it's like i have galaxies on my nails.

i was about to link posts from last week when i realized i only posted once. oops. but i'm fairly certain that the blog will go private next week in preparation for the rebrand! i have a few posts lined up this week, so it's all good in the hood. make it a good monday, friends!

linking up with oak + oats
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