T W E N T Y - N I N E // blogging resources, part two.

what are your go-to blogging resources?

last month, i shared part one of my favorite blogging resources. those resources assist me in the process of blogging. today, i want to share some tools that help me connect with readers. 

nothing is more unappealing to me than a blog that is cluttered with ads and nonsense. the more white space, the better. i highly recommend hiring a blog designer.

this is the best way to keep up with posts from my favorite bloggers. i also linked my facebook account to blog lovin', so my blog posts are automatically shared instead of manually adding them. be sure to follow me HERE

in my opinion, this is the best way to interact with other readers. the set up is quite simple, and never again will i have to hear the words no-reply blogger. with disqus, the commenter enters their email along with their name and website (optional), so when i write back, they are notified via the provided email. 

this is a new addition to the blog, and it's quickly becoming one of my favorites. at the bottom of this post, you'll notice a section titled 'you might enjoy reading'. this is a great way for readers to read old posts they may have missed or it allows new readers the chance to look around the blog. i love the round thumbnails and clean design. i used linkwithin for a couple weeks, but truthfully i switched because engageya is prettier. 

what are your favorite blogging resources? i'm always looking for new tools to assist in the process of blogging!


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