fiercely dedicated to all things of the 90's.
a sister, daughter, friend, cousin, granddaughter, and niece.
a lover of coffee and sweet tea.
obsessed with penguins.
a bookworm.
saved by the precious lifeblood of Jesus.
a collector of coffee mugs.
graciously honest.
a child of the Almighty.
passionate about nature photography.
shy in public.
a small town country girl.
terrified of wasps.
a thinker, wanderer, and adventurer.
fascinated with astronomy.
a girly tomboy.
always learning.
allergic to penicillin.
a germaphobe.
i am just me.
i laugh at my own jokes, however cheesy they may be.
i love sports, mostly because i love spending that time with my daddy.
i have awesome dance moves, but not really.
i am not my past. no matter what lie the enemy throws at me.
i am not perfect. no matter how hard i try.
i am not society's version of successful or beautiful or happy. no matter how magazines or blogs portray it all.
i am not the careless words others throw at me. no matter how bad they may hurt.
the Creator of the universe made me unique.
He made me, me.
the majority of my adult life has been riddled with guilt and shame and feeling that i am not worthy of His love and redemption. but those thoughts and feelings and lies do not line up with God's Word. Jesus died for my sins - all of them. i was a dirty rotten sinner and He STILL went to the cross and died a horrific death so that i may have life through Him. i have been pouring over the one hundred thirty-ninth psalm. His thoughts about me are precious and unnumbered. He created me and even knew me before i was born. i want to soak up these Truths in my thoughts and my heart and deep down in my bones. i'm learning to love the me He created, not the cunningly crafted 'me' satan spawned through his lies.
my chains are gone. i've been set free.
my God, my Savior has ransomed me.
and like a flood, His mercy reigns.
unending love, amazing grace.
chris tomlin