
- new content. i have a couple posts in the works that i can't wait to share.
- a photo-a-week polaroid journal for 2014.
- a february desktop calendar.
- simplicity.

▲ listening: 
- "desert song" - aj michalka.
- "you sound good to me" - lucy hale. aka: aria from PLL.
- the jimmy needham pandora station.
- lots of nineties rock music - including my favorite band, 3 doors down.

▲ reading:
- darling magazine. the pictures are stunning. the content is well written. and the models are real, un-photoshopped women.
- the fault in our stars.
- jan/feb issue of relevant magazine.

▲ watching:
- the harry potter movies.
- football, football, football because it's ending soon. sad face.
- highlights from the sugar bowl. BOOMER SOONER!

▲ anticipating: 
- the great things to happen this year.
- february. because girl scout cookies, y'all.
- spring. i am content with winter right now, but my heart yearns for spring flowers.
- valentine's day. i'm single, so i'm automatically supposed to hate v-day, right? i admit - i used to be the president of the singles awareness day hate group. but these days, i might be the most excited single girl in america. when you change your attitude, you change your life, friends.  

▲ praying for:
- korben. he is still taking chemo. please lift up this precious boy and his family.
- courage.
- more of Jesus.

- darling magazine. i received my first issue recently and cannot put it down. their online content is just as wonderful. i especially love their what makes us different page. several years ago, i had a subscription to every single trashy tabloid magazine on store shelves. i spent countless hours and lots of moolah reading that garbage. what i love most about darling is their mission to "discover beauty apart from vanity, influence apart from manipulation, style apart from materialism, sweetness apart from passivity, and womanhood without degradation." AMEN. 
- the opportunities this little blog has provided me. 

- i'm bankrupt without love.
- "i cannot reflect the glory of Christ while vying for the glorification of self."
- i don't have to be like everybody else. like in fashion, there are lots of blogging trends. it's easy to get caught up in what others are posting, but i have to remind myself to stay true to who i am and what i like.

▲ making me happy: 
- she reads truth's a fresh start plan.
- OU's sugar bowl win!
- daily musings from the chief of the brimfield police department.
- banana cake.
- my rifle paper co journals. they are the perfect size. i have my eye on these beauts right now.
- i can finally say trans4mers comes out this year! of course, it's five months away, but still.


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