two lessons every photographer should learn.

i took a family friend's senior pictures last week. as i edited the pictures, i forgot how fun editing is. just kidding. but it wasn't as difficult as it used to be. this got me thinking about two major lessons i have learned since getting my first point and shoot.

- lesson one: i didn't understand my camera, so i shot in auto mode. this limited my abilities and added more editing time. in the last year, i have forced myself to learn how to shoot in manual mode. i still don't understand aperture or iso, but i know how to work my camera. i know what settings work best, and that has made the biggest difference in my work. 

- lesson two: the worst habit i developed was comparing my work to other photographers. this is common among all budding photographers. it can be debilitating to one's craft and passion. i fell prey to it many times. i remember wondering why my pictures didn't look like so-and-so's, but that's because i was focusing on their work instead of my own talent. it doesn't come overnight. it takes practice every single day. i have spent countless hours researching editing techniques, how-to videos, and photography articles. i learned that it's okay to be inspired by another photographer's work, but it's not okay to be exactly like another photographer.

i had a little photography business a few years ago. this was right before everyone and their dog decided owning a dslr meant they were a professional photographer. i haven't told many people this, but the reason i quit taking pictures for people is because it wreaked havoc on my nerves. i was not confident in my work, therefore, i let constant comparison and ridiculous nervousness get the best of me. i'm not saying i want to re-open my photography business, but after taylor's senior session, maybe i will explore out of my comfort zone of capturing God's creation to capturing the people He created.

i get a lot of questions about what camera/editing software i use, so here's a breakdown:
camera: canon rebel t2i.
lenses: macro lens (favorite): 100mm f/2.8L IS // kit lens // 85mm f/1.8 
editing: photoshop cs4 using actions from florabella collection // paint the moon // the coffeeshop blog
this action is my absolute favorite. i use it for a lot of shots. (and it's free!)


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