2024: OCT 7 - OCT 13



i guess i can’t classify this as a reading rut; it’s more of a reading overhaul. i got tired of reading popular books that were littered with all sorts of themes that i don’t care for or don’t agree with. i would “push through” reading the book because i just wanted something to read. this year, i have had this conviction that if a novel is filled with things that are contrary to my faith, then why am i reading it? that’s not a fun question to have — especially as a book lover, but as i began to think on it more + more, i knew it was time to start picking books with cleaner themes. this means i won’t meet my reading goal for this year, but that’s okay because i am at peace with my decision. 


it’s my current pregnancy craving + unfortunately it is not quite in season yet. 😂

•  38 WEEKS! 🤰🏼

i knocked off a lot of my to-do list items this week, so i am starting to feel more prepared for baby girl’s arrival in NINE DAYS. 

heart burn, insomnia, + swollen ankles are still my constant companions, but i am still just soaking in these last days of pregnancy. i have shed a few tears because it’s almost over + i truly love being pregnant. 


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