H A P P E N I N G S :  

+  i held the sweetest newborn baby girl for a couple hours + i am so, so happy she is here!

+  we took a short trip down to oklahoma to see my family. shopping + family time 💕

+  we had a family nerf battle in the house one evening + a neighborhood nerf battle in our backyard. 

+  i spent an entire monday night (willingly, happily!) researching eschatology. for fun. 🤓

+  after prayerfully seeking the Lord's guidance, jared + i finally joined the youth ministry at our church. 

+  i finished studying 2 corinthians and also completed 1 + 2 timothy. (revelation is next!) 

+  on a 102º august day, i excitedly sipped an iced chai with pumpkin cold foam. 😂 🎃

+  my work hosted an employee night at the zoo. we had lots of fun.

+  i celebrated my 37th birthday with so much love + coffee + good food. 💕

  B O O K S :  
-  american gauntlet - 5 stars!! 
-  same time next summer - 3.5 stars 

  T H E  G O O D  L I S T :      
birds playing in a puddle  •   newborn cuddles  •  my new kindle!  •  family nerf battles  •  summer flowers 🌺  •  root beer floats  

  L E S S O N S  +  O B S E R V A T I O N S :  

+  it's good to acknowledge quirks + traits about oneself, but to dwell in those qualities is another. example #1: i had the realization months ago about how i am not the new girl in town anymore; i have lived in wichita for almost nine years. it's time to start living like it. example 2: i can make friends. i am not intruding on others' friendships. it is time to be a friend.

+  why does chili’s have the best chips + salsa?? make it make sense. 🍅 

+  "arguing over nonessentials is a poor form of stewardship." [source]

+  your words matter, whether you’re saying them to someone you’re known for twenty minutes or twenty years. 

+  Jesus welcomes discussion, but it’s the enemy who invites dissension. 

+  it makes me so sad to see smut being marketed to women. (i.e. books that have very explicit sex scenes.) it's nothing more than p*rn for women. 

+ remember: it costs $0 to let people celebrate holidays/seasons whenever they want. fall officially starts on my birthday, and it brings me a small delight during the hottest part of the summer. the most tired social media trope is telling people to stop enjoying the little things. 

+  i was reading a book that mentioned heterochromia eyes. after googling it, i realized after years + decades of being told my eyes have different colors, it was actually this! central heterochromia is defined as having a different color around one's pupil. like most people, i have a gold ring around my pupil and then my eye color is around that.

+  faith is formed in the mundane days. how you walk with the Lord on a random tuesday will be made evident when the mountains + valleys come. if you walk with the Lord daily, the mountains will find you praising His name + the valleys will see you looking to Him. if you go days or weeks without seeking Him, those highs + lows will be a lot different. 


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